Web Agency Amsterdam

Are you searching for a web agency in Amsterdam that goes beyond making a good looking website? We are a full service creative agency, designing for growth. Our strategists, UX-designers and online marketing experts help achieve online growth for ambitious companies. We invite you for a chat about your future!

Contact us

We make 100% unique websites

What we are good at? Creating a visually attractive web designs, and then transforming them into a well-functioning website. Our designs are always 100% custom made so that your unique brand identity is guaranteed. In addition, we ensure that the website is easy to manage and your potential customer gets an optimal online experience. This includes a responsive web design so that the experience on both desktop and mobile is smooth and fast. We excel in helping entrepreneurs set up and develop their online marketing plan. For over 15 years we have supported companies and entrepreneurs in their digital ambitions.

Let's discuss how we can help you

Everything you need from a web agency

UX/UI Expertise
Designing for UX means designing for the entire process your target audience goes through when visiting your website. UX includes branding, content, usability, and function. Our experienced designers know what works, and what doesn’t. Leave it to them to deliver a delightful experience to your target audience – resulting in that desired conversion increase
Custom Web Design
We never use templates. All our designs are tailor made and unique. We start every project by inviting you for a kick-off workshop. During this workshop we will talk about your strategy and determine the goals of your new website. We will hand sketch the pages, as well as discuss the design direction. This meeting is crucial to collect all the info we need to get started on your project.
WordPress Development
A lot of people associate WordPress with templates, but we never use those. As well as the design, development is fully custom. Our coders use the WordPress platform to build on, ensuring you have an easy to use Content Management System. It is the most used CMS worldwide, and because of it, the stability and security are unrivaled.

Your web agency

From start to finish

Everything we make is 100% custom. We do not use templates and every line of code is written in-house. The process is divided into several phases, and for each phase we have a quality check and approval moment before we move on to the next part.

Kick-off workshop

Once you have chosen us as your web agency, we always start with an inspiring workshop. During this meeting we will go over the goals of your website. Who are your customers? What is their customer journey? What pages do we want them to visit? We do this to get an idea of what the website should look like in general.

When developing a website, you enter a process of working together with our designers, developers and project manager. We work as a team, and we ensure that it is clear what is expected of whom, making sure your beautiful website is quickly delivered.

Schedule a kick-off today!


The initial workshop provides our UX-designers with enough input to make a line sketch of all pages of the website. We call these line sketches wireframes, and they tell us on a very functional level what the website will look like in general. We will always present the wireframes in a meeting, after which you can give feedback. Usually we need one to three rounds to perfect the wireframes, and once they are approved by you, we will enter the exciting phase: The wireframes will be transformed into a stunning design!

Let's start sketching!

Web Design

Wireframes approved? That means we can start designing! But first, we will have to decide what direction to go in. We always start with creating your homepage. Same as in the wireframe phase, we will present the design to you in a meeting, after which there is room for feedback. When the homepage is approved, we will continue designing the rest of the pages. Aren’t you curious what your new website will look like?

Transform your idea into a beautiful design?

Web Development

The development phase means bringing the design to life. Your new website will be completely converted to digital code, development will be working hard to put it all together. During this process we will keep you updated on our progress. The first version of the website will be installed on a test environment. In this environment we can test all functionalities and user flows extensively. After an initial internal check by us, there is room for you to do your own tests and checks and provide us with your feedback. You can upload now your content while we are working on the finishing touches.

Want to develop your website?

Delivery time

Yes! Your website is ready to start competing on the global web! All content is uploaded and final checks have been completed. From now on you are the proud owner of a website that was 100% custom made by web agency Marsmedia. Our online marketing experts are ready and happy to help you make your website work for you, enabling your company’s growth potential.

Reach out and we'll start planning!

Web agency Marsmedia

Ready to conquer the web?

Let's talk

These things are useful to know

If you choose us as your web agency

Turnaround time

Making a website usually takes between 8 and 16 weeks. This depends on the magnitude of the website, but also on how quickly you can provide us with feedback. The faster we generally receive feedback, the faster the website is ready. One more factor is content creation. Make sure you start well before your desired Go Live date.


Unless discussed otherwise, you are responsible for providing and uploading your content. The content of a website contains of text and images. Of course we can help you with content creation and uploading. We can arrange a copywriter, photographer, and help create custom icons, illustrations and infographics. This is always included as an option in the quotation.


If you host your website with us, you can safely rely that it is on a secure SSL connection. In addition, the personal data of your customers is kept safe and we have several options to deter spam. It is wise that you update your WordPress core and plugins are regularly. We can provide this service as it is a standard option for all our clients.


Since the web is constantly in development, errors and bugs can develop as well. With our Backupdater option we will check and update on a continuous basis. Should you not choose this option, you can report bugs within a certain timeframe after delivery. If reported in this timeframe we will solve them free of charge.


Every second it takes longer to load a website, the conversion rate drops. Therefore it’s really important that you have a fast website. To guarantee an optimal speed, we work with the market leader in WordPress hosting WPEngine. The condition for us to be able to promise a fast website is that you let us take care of the hosting.


If you expect to need support from us to implement changes to the website after delivery, or if you want updates on a continuous basis, we can offer you a Service Level Agreement (SLA). We have several plans for to choose from, allowing you to reserve time with us on a monthly basis. These hours that can be used for all services of Marsmedia.

A full range of services

More than just a web agency

Brand Identity Strategy

Do you want to stand out? Your brand identity consists of more than just a logo, fonts and colors. It is the whole experience your target audience has with your company, therefore it is the core of your business. Let us upgrade your brand identity to a higher level. We will form a custom fit strategy that fits you and your business.

More about growth strategy

Corporate Identity

In need of corporate materials? We make all your marketing materials. From business cards & stationary to office branding and event materials. Let your clients know that you have an eye for detail. A well executed corporate identity inspires confidence in you and your company.

Getting your corporate identity in order?

Online marketing

A website should be more than a good looking brochure. It should generate leads, or convert leads into customers. It should sell your products or services. Talk to our online marketing experts, they are to help in achieving your business goals.

More about out marketing services

Conversion optimization

We believe there is always room for improvement. With conversion optimization we will map out opportunities. Even simple adjustments to your website could have a big and positive impact on your conversion rates

More about Conversion Optimization

Product development

Are you looking for a partner that can do more than develop a website? Marsmedia offers solutions for complex issues such as API’s, dashboarding, plugin development and e-commerce challenges.

Take a look at some of our cases

6 Reasons to choose us as your web agency

Hiring a web agency

100% custom design
We never use templates. We deliver 100% custom products, made with love and attention by our experts, from wireframe to working website. A unique end product that perfectly fits you, your company and your target audience.
We believe in quality
We have a strict quality check protocol. At the end of every phase in the web design process we do a quality check before delivering. This way we make sure that what we deliver meets the high standards you would expect from a professional web agency.
We are entrepreneurs
Everyone who works at Marsmedia has an enterprising spirit. We love a challenge and are always working on new solutions for complex challenges. We are here to help you and your business reach your growth potential.
B2B specialist
We are specialized in helping companies that operate in the B2B market. Whether you are a start-up or an international corporate, we are the web agency for you.
We like to share knowledge
On our website you can find a lot of information about the different disciplines we master. We offer workshops and design sprints for brand identity, persona development and creating MVP’s.
We have an awesome team
Last but not least, we have a really great team! Ambitious, experienced and enthusiastic people who love their job and are passionate about your companies growth.

Looking for a web agency?

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