Generations at Work

Building blocks that represent the different generations at work

The Client

Kim Jansen has been standing in front of large halls for years, facilitating dynamic and interactive events and giving masterclasses and training. She gives vision on generations, an inspiring story and a hands-on approach to allow the current generations to come into their own in the workplace.

The assignment

Starting off with a strategy session, we’ve learned about the mission and vision of Generations at Work. Together we defined the Brand personality and determined the new identity should reflect approachability, generations, future, inspiring, and most of all: power! We’ve created a full brand identity, including logo, brand elements and imagery that really match the personality of Generations at Work.

generationsatwork-case-brand@2x generationsatwork-case-designsystem@2x generationsatwork-case-logo-construction@2x generationsatwork-case-logo-construction-2@2x GEN-mockup Copy generationsatwork-case-logo-app@2x GEN-image kim generationsatwork-case-quote@2x generationsatwork-case-image@2x generationsatwork-case-kaartspel-2@2x generationsatwork-case-kaartspel@2x
GEN-mockup-brand Gen-mockup-02-03 2 Group Copy 5 Group 5 GEN-mockup Copy Rectangle 2 GEN-image kim Group 6 Copy 3 Group 6 Copy 2 GEN-thumbnail

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Contact Michel to discuss your growth opportunities

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